Just a reminder, Friday is (technically) the last day to register for Western Regionals so I know how many Salmon and bottles of wine to order for dinner! If you're planning on it, get it in at www.cgra.org. If your not, well I'm not sure why you bought a J24 and would miss this. If you're almost there, let me/us know what we can do to help. We lined up one Seattle boat with crew in less than hour! It looks we'll be a bit shy of our goal of over 20 boats (although a spurt of entries before the deadline would be cool - you know you you are!), but no lack of solid competition, and hopefully a great time. Current list, and add'l info, at www.J24WesternRegionals.com
We will have some additional detailed info out next week, but for the boats coming down to participate in CGOD that haven't been before, some good information attached and the NOR is up at www.cgra.org. You can register at the event as far as I can tell, so drop in if you get the urge. The hoist will be running from 4-6pm on Friday, in the location marked "Parking" where the line to "Historic Museum" runs through in the old locks. The official campsites are shown, but CGRA also has the "overflow area" for add'l tents. Registration is at the top of the map past the marina.
FYI, there is a 12' clearance into the marine park. If for some reason you have an abnormally high trailer, mast carrying method, or plan to ride into town standing on top of your boat whooping and hollering, then be careful.
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